Many people all around the world use communication devices everyday to help them communicate. However they do not look at all visually appealing and are very generic. Everybody is different so how can this be shown. In this project I want to design what a communication device could look like and give users a more pleasant user experience.

Overall this project was created to demonstrate that it is possible to make a communication app look more visually appealing to the user by making it personalised and overall have a better user experience. Using the same categories as the original apps I researched conducted research on existing designs and talked to people who have experience with that app in order to find out what needs to stay the same for usability and what can be changed to improve it visually. Many individuals use these apps in this case mainly younger people and they deserve to be able to make it their own and not generic. I was able to personalise the colours, text and speech as well as letting the individual create an avatar to represent themselves within the images. I paid attention to layouts, touch targets and consistency allowing for the app to be easy to use for a younger audience allowing them more room for independence. Overall I feel like this was a very positive project as it shows what is possible for such an important way of communication through giving people a voice but also visually allowing people to communicate who they are as a person through personalisation.